18th February 2013

Afraid the hole in the roof, builders’ dust and lots of cuddles with grandson Ludo (toddlers get so many viruses) have finally got the better of me, resulting in a chest and a throat infection, so have been laid very low. But at last, with a little sun, departure of source of dust, lots of freshly laid eggs and slow return to normal life, things are looking up and I’m not coughing all the time.

In an effort to escape the chaos and cacophony of the wind in the scaffolding poles, I moved downstairs into the sitting room, so it has been a bedsit life since mid November – a limiting existence – so am looking forward to moving back upstairs to three bedrooms and two bathrooms, which has been the point of the exercise. Hope to be persuaded that it has all been worthwhile.

Am working slowly in the garden, moving a lorry load of compost – deposited four years ago – all round the garden. It was a surprise to find this cache of wonderful soil behind the bramble heap, but more so to find that a fox had made the same discovery and constructed a des res with several bedrooms and a couple of metres of corridor. Luckily no-one was in residence, but all the more reason to dissemble this pile and distribute it speedily around the garden to improve the rock hard clay, but also to gradually get my stamina back.

So it’s out in the garden in the sunshine, with the girls, cat, Ludo and his tractor on Wednesdays and hopefully back to normal.